Wednesday, November 25, 2015

‘We did not know about an active plot,’ U.S. ambassador to France tells Yahoo News

U.S. Ambassador to France Jane Hartley said she was not alerted to any intelligence that a terrorist plot might be in the works before Islamic State terrorists launched brutal attacks in Paris on Friday night, killing 129 people, including one American.
Hartley also confirmed in an interview with Yahoo News that a team of FBI agents has arrived in Paris to assist with the unfolding investigation that led this morning to a raid by French police in which two suspected terrorists were killed and seven arrested.
“We did not know about an active plot,” said Hartley, describing how she had been out to dinner with her husband at a Paris restaurant Friday evening when the attacks were launched. “We here did not know of an imminent threat.”
Hartley’s comments came two days after CIA director John Brennan said that U.S. intelligence had “strategic warning” that Islamic State terrorists might be plotting attacks in Europe prior to Friday’s attacks.
Iraqi intelligence officials also said this week that the day before the attacks they sent warnings to European partners, including the French, that Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had ordered attacks “through bombings or assassinations or hostage taking in the coming days.”



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