Thursday, February 22, 2018

Seriously Quick Tesla Semi Smokes its Tires

Among all of Tesla's ambitious current projects, the Semi is perhaps the farthest-reaching of all. A battery-electric heavy truck that promises 500 miles of fully-loaded highway range, the Semi's aerodynamic design and central driving position are as unconventional as its zero-emissions drivetrain.

Also, the thing can apparently haul ass.

This amateur video shows a Tesla Semi prototype cruising around a residential street. Like all Teslas, the truck runs in near-silence. Which makes it all the more surprising when the driver nails the accelerator, leaving twin rubber patches as the giant truck scoots away at an alarming rate.

[youtube align='center' autoplay='0'][/youtube]

Tesla says the Semi will do 0-60 in five seconds flat when running deadhead (i.e., without a trailer), or 20 seconds with a full 80,000-lb load. Having seen this brief but impressive demonstration of its thrust, we're inclined to believe the claim.

Source : Yahoo News


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