Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Transgender women on 'Drag Race'? RuPaul's remarks spawn backlash

It's not often that the world's most famous drag queen loses control of her court, but RuPaul's recent comments on possibly excluding transgender contestants from VH1's "RuPaul's Drag Race" had several former contestants of the drag competition show speaking up against him. He eventually apologized.

RuPaul made the offending remarks in a recent interview with The Guardian. The Emmy-winning host was asked if he would allow "bio queens," a controversial term referring to cisgender (non-transgender) women on the show.

“Drag loses its sense of danger and its sense of irony once it’s not men doing it, because at its core it’s a social statement and a big f-you to male-dominated culture,” RuPaul said. “So for men to do it, it’s really punk rock, because it’s a real rejection of masculinity.”

The conversation then turned to whether transgender women who had undergone gender affirmation surgery, such as breast augmentation, could compete in the show. After all, a popular contestant from season nine, Peppermint, is a trans woman who was open about her identity during her run for the crown.

 Source : nbcnews


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